Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of Camp Pendleton Marine

Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of Camp Pendleton Marine

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Terrible news out of Afghanistan

We don't have too many details yet. At least one Marine from the B co. 4th LAR was killed by a suicide bomber. He held the same rank, and job title as Steven. Steven is fine. He is with a different company of that battalion. We don't know if Steven knew him well or at all. There are news stories out there - He was 22 yr old Jeremy Kane from Cherry Hill, Maryland. There has been NO official news yet! His mom has been posting the the 4th LAR facebook site. This is so scary! I so want to talk to Steven! Apparently he spoke to Amber after this happened but before we knew about it and he didn't mention it. I am not sure what that means.
I will keep this blog updated. I am not sure what I can and can't say on Facebook. Their safety could be jeopardized. I don't know how but I won't take any chances!
Trying to stay positive!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New photos

New pictures from Afghanistan. I think Steven looks really good, although cold in a poor baby! I just stare at them. His face is still that of my young son...I see a man and yet I know the infant, the boy and now the man. It is amazing how so many memories come flooding in when I see these pictures. I think of all the times he played at being a "soldier". He was always a sharpshooter with his airsoft gun when I needed icky spiders eliminated! I just want to hug him and tell him how proud I am and most of all...WELCOME HOME MY BRAVE SON!Counting the days...many to go.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Remember when...

Some pictures of the boy who would become a Marine.

Music added

I chose these songs because they all have meaning to me with Steven. I always sang "You are My Sunshine" to him when I put him to bed and he would interject "when the skies are grey". It was a nightly routine for many years. "I'll Stand By You" represents the support I will continue to give Steven. When he was talking about becoming a Marine I was beside myself and I did try to talk him out of it. As time passed and he demonstrated his thoughtful commitment to the service, I knew my only course of action was total support.Now the ONLY job I have as a mother is unconditional love and support for him. "God Bless The USA" speaks for itself.
I received another short letter and those always make my days a little brighter while he's away. But when I'm cold, I think of how cold he must be, and he has mentioned it! When I eat I think of how good a home cooked meal will taste to him (I can send out for one of those - haha). When I get cozy in my bed I know how that top bunk must really feel good at the end of a long day, but nothing compared to his own bed at home. I know he can't wait to come home and yet, there will be challenges in the transition. I just want to be able to call my son whenever I feel like it! I want to hug him tight and rub his head and scratch his mom's do. I want the brothers to be able to hang out and laugh together. I want my baby home!